The eleventh season of South Park, an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, began airing on March 7, 2007. The 11th season concluded after 14 episodes on November 14, 2007. This is the first season to have uncensored episodes available for DVD release. This is also the season featuring the three-part, Emmy Award-winning episode «Imaginationland».
- 11x1Con disculpas a Jesse JacksonMar 07, 2007
- 11x2Cartman ChupaMar 14, 2007
- 11x3PiojosMar 21, 2007
- 11x4El SnukeMar 28, 2007
- 11x5El Fantástico Especial de PascuaApr 04, 2007
- 11x6¡Les-bos!Apr 11, 2007
- 11x7La Noche de los DesamparadosApr 18, 2007
- 11x8El Pequeño TouretteOct 03, 2007
- 11x9Más MojónOct 10, 2007
- 11x10Imaginacionlandia: Episodio IOct 17, 2007
- 11x11Imaginacionlandia: Episodio IIOct 24, 2007
- 11x12Imaginacionlandia: Episodio IIIOct 31, 2007
- 11x13Guitar Rar-oNov 07, 2007
- 11x14La ListaNov 14, 2007