The fifth season of the police procedural drama NCIS premiered on September 25, 2007 and marks the end of Donald P. Bellisario’s involvement as show runner. It concludes the La Grenouille storyline which ended with a cliffhanger in season four’s finale, «Angel of Death». The fifth season also reveals more background information about Gibbs’ past before NCIS.
The Writers Guild strike limited episode production and the DVD set had five discs instead of six. The season ended with its 19th episode on May 20, 2008; the strike-caused gap is between episodes 11 and 12. The season ended with a two-part season finale called «Judgment Day». The season featured the departure of recurring characters Colonel Hollis Mann and Jeanne Benoit, as well as the death of Jenny Shepard, one of the main characters.
From this season on, the opening sequence was shortened to an even 30 second duration instead of the normal 37–44 second duration in the previous seasons.
- 5x1Entierra a tus muertosSep 25, 2007
- 5x2FamiliaOct 02, 2007
- 5x3Expediente ExOct 09, 2007
- 5x4Crisis de identidadOct 16, 2007
- 5x5Salto de feOct 23, 2007
- 5x6QuimeraOct 30, 2007
- 5x7RéquiemNov 06, 2007
- 5x8Objetivo señaladoNov 13, 2007
- 5x9Perdido y encontradoNov 20, 2007
- 5x10Castigo corporalNov 27, 2007
- 5x11TribusJan 15, 2008
- 5x12VigilanciaApr 08, 2008
- 5x13Chapas de perroApr 15, 2008
- 5x14Asuntos internosApr 22, 2008
- 5x15En la zonaApr 29, 2008
- 5x16RetrocesoMay 06, 2008
- 5x17Cuestión de caraMay 13, 2008
- 5x18Día del juicio final (1)May 20, 2008
- 5x19Día del juicio final (2)May 20, 2008