The tenth season of the police procedural drama NCIS premiered on September 25, 2012, in the same time slot as the previous seasons, Tuesdays at 8pm. The season premiere was seen by 20.48 million viewers, focusing on the aftermath of the bombing of the Navy Yard from the ninth-season finale and culminating with the apprehension of Harper Dearing, who is killed when he attempts to resist arrest.
The season continues with mostly standalone episodes until the «Shabbat Shalom» and «Shiva» story arc, which focuses on the deaths of Eli David and Jackie Vance and sets the rest of the season into motion. Leon Vance and Ziva David soon discover that Mossad Deputy Director Ilan Bodnar was behind the attack, and set out for revenge. They track Bodnar to Berlin, but later learn that he had never left the United States. Going against orders from the Department of Homeland Security, Ziva finds Bodnar on a ship headed for South Africa and kills him. This sparks a massive investigation by the Department of Defense, headed by Richard Parsons. His sneaky and unprofessional methods cause the team to question his true intentions. Everyone soon realizes that he is not interested in Ziva or Vance, but has instead set his sights on Gibbs. Parsons pressures Gibbs to admit that he and his team have broken the law on countless occasions and to come forward and admit everything that he has done. After a long feud, Gibbs is freed of his charges and sent on a top-priority mission, while Ziva, DiNozzo, and McGee resign from the agency. The season ends with a cut to four months later, showing Gibbs aiming a sniper rifle at FBI agent Tobias Fornell. The season finale aired on May 14, 2013.
- 10x1Ultimas consecuenciasSep 25, 2012
- 10x2RecuperaciónOct 02, 2012
- 10x3FénixOct 09, 2012
- 10x4Perdidos en el marOct 23, 2012
- 10x5El tocayoOct 30, 2012
- 10x6Estrés de combate 1Nov 13, 2012
- 10x7Estrés de combate 2Nov 20, 2012
- 10x8DesaparecidaNov 27, 2012
- 10x9El trío del diabloDec 11, 2012
- 10x10Más vale estar alertaDec 18, 2012
- 10x11Shabbat ShalomJan 08, 2013
- 10x12ShivaJan 15, 2013
- 10x13Impacto y fugaJan 29, 2013
- 10x14CanarioFeb 05, 2013
- 10x15A partir de ahoraFeb 19, 2013
- 10x16DesvíoFeb 26, 2013
- 10x17Principal sospechosoMar 05, 2013
- 10x18BúsquedaMar 19, 2013
- 10x19BorrascaMar 26, 2013
- 10x20Persiguiendo fantasmasApr 09, 2013
- 10x21BerlínApr 23, 2013
- 10x22VenganzaApr 30, 2013
- 10x23Doble ciegoMay 07, 2013
- 10x24Malo si lo hacesMay 14, 2013